
Estimated Federal Tax Brackets 2026

Estimated Federal Tax Brackets 2026


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Estimated Federal Tax Brackets 2026

2026 Tax Brackets: Why Your Taxes Are Likely to Increase in 2026 and What to Do About It

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) adjusts the federal income tax brackets annually to account for inflation. The 2026 federal income tax brackets are estimated based on the projected inflation rate.

Individual Tax Brackets

Tax Bracket Taxable Income Marginal Tax Rate
10% $0 – $10,275 10%
12% $10,275 – $41,775 12%
22% $41,775 – $89,075 22%
24% $89,075 – $170,050 24%
32% $170,050 – $215,950 32%
35% $215,950 – $539,900 35%
37% $539,900 – $1,077,350 37%
39.6% $1,077,350 and above 39.6%

Married Filing Jointly Tax Brackets

Tax Bracket Taxable Income Marginal Tax Rate
10% $0 – $20,550 10%
12% $20,550 – $83,550 12%
22% $83,550 – $178,150 22%
24% $178,150 – $356,300 24%
32% $356,300 – $431,900 32%
35% $431,900 – $1,079,800 35%
37% $1,079,800 – $2,154,700 37%
39.6% $2,154,700 and above 39.6%

Married Filing Separately Tax Brackets

Tax Bracket Taxable Income Marginal Tax Rate
10% $0 – $10,275 10%
12% $10,275 – $41,775 12%
22% $41,775 – $89,075 22%
24% $89,075 – $178,150 24%
32% $178,150 – $215,950 32%
35% $215,950 – $539,900 35%
37% $539,900 – $1,077,350 37%
39.6% $1,077,350 and above 39.6%

Head of Household Tax Brackets

Tax Bracket Taxable Income Marginal Tax Rate
10% $0 – $14,250 10%
12% $14,250 – $57,750 12%
22% $57,750 – $122,900 22%
24% $122,900 – $205,850 24%
32% $205,850 – $248,850 32%
35% $248,850 – $539,900 35%
37% $539,900 – $1,077,350 37%
39.6% $1,077,350 and above 39.6%

Standard Deduction

The standard deduction is a specific amount that you can deduct from your taxable income before you calculate your taxes. The standard deduction for 2026 is estimated to be:

  • Single: $13,850
  • Married filing jointly: $27,700
  • Married filing separately: $13,850
  • Head of household: $20,800

Personal Exemption

The personal exemption is a specific amount that you can deduct from your taxable income for each dependent you claim. The personal exemption for 2026 is estimated to be $4,400.

Estimated Tax Payments

If you expect to owe more than $1,000 in taxes, you may be required to make estimated tax payments. Estimated tax payments are quarterly payments that you make to the IRS to prepay your taxes. The due dates for estimated tax payments are April 15, June 15, September 15, and January 15 of the following year.

Tax Credits

Tax credits are dollar-for-dollar reductions in your tax liability. Some of the most common tax credits include:

  • Child tax credit
  • Earned income tax credit
  • American opportunity tax credit
  • Saver’s credit

Tax Withholding

Your employer will withhold taxes from your paycheck based on the information you provide on your Form W-4. If you do not have enough taxes withheld, you may have to make estimated tax payments or pay additional taxes when you file your tax return.

Tax Refunds

If you overpaid your taxes, you will receive a tax refund. The IRS will issue tax refunds within 21 days of receiving your tax return.


The estimated federal tax brackets for 2026 are subject to change. The actual tax brackets will be announced by the IRS in late 2025.

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Thus, we hope this article has provided valuable insights into Estimated Federal Tax Brackets 2026. We appreciate your attention to our article. See you in our next article!

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